Northwest Independent Baseball League
When it's spring... you'll hear about baseball on the radio, you read about it
in the newspaper, you see it on TV, now you can play it on a local
Portland field. Come join us and play on a local Portland wood
bat baseball team. NWIBL has a team waiting for you......
Get a glove and come
try out February 27 and 28th 2016 at Westmoreland Baseball Field 3 12 noon to 3 pm.
Team Try Outs Held at
Ball Park #3
Westmoreland Park 97202
So if you are a
former or current player 30 or over who has what it takes to compete using wood bats,
we are
gearing up for this season!
Established teams are welcome
Your 2016 NWIBL Team).
See for league and team information