Independent Baseball League
Adult Team and Player Information
2010 Fall Season
Season Starts
9/24/2010 10 Games ending 10/31/2010
Still have need for 6 players
Player Registration
form 2010
Season Starts
9/12/2010 10 Games with Play Offs ending 10/23/2010
Fall Wood Bat League
18 and Older
Act Now!
teams have spots open register now to be placed on a team
Player Registration
form 2010
and 30+ Teams
Father and Sons over 18 can play on
same Baseball Teams
| Indians & Portland River
Hawks | Nationals
| OC-All Stars |
Red's | Highlanders | Black Sox |
2010 NWIBL
Season Starts
9/24/2010 10 Games ending 10/31/2010
Player Registration
form 2010
Players Drafted will be assigned to teams and
notified that day
register now for draft day information time and field
Fall Games Played
Weekend Days and
Friday Nights
(night games start at 6:30 PM with lights)
Monday League games with open players will run
to the end of October
you have a team and want
Duane Wangenheim 503.208.2009
It's almost
hear about baseball on the radio, you read about it
in the newspaper, you see it on TV, now you can play
it in a local Portland Stadium. Come join us, you
can play this fall for local Portland baseball
Fall Season starts in September, play 10 games with elimination
champion series.
If you are a current baseball player who wants to continue
playing ball right up to the World Series
then get your glove and come on out,
NWIBL has a team waiting
for you...... |
Adds 30+Fall Teams
Fathers with Sons over 18 can play on the same team
2010 Fall Season to Start
in September
and run until end of October
10 Games
with Playoff Series
Team and player fees will be based on number of teams and games
Per game
cost will not exceed $20.00 per Player
the more teams the lower the player fee
Make your team payment online 24
hours a day 7 days a week
registration form