Join the Northwest Independent Baseball League

Northwest Independent Baseball League
Fall Baseball Series


Northwest Independent Baseball League
 Adult Team and Player Information
2020 Season

Stay Home Be Safe Stay Well so We Can Play Again
Again due to the uptick in new Covaid-19 cases the
July 24/25 dates have been Canceled

 Try Out at Luke Jensen if Washington moves to Phase3/4
 Hold the Dates Open
August 8 & 9  18+ 1-3PM, 30+ 3-6PM
August 9 30+ 3-6PM
18+ 3-5PM

7/23/2020 Up Date Information
Use this Link for Player Registration
NWIBL Your Questions Answered Here on Clubhouse Chatter

All Managers, Players, and Coaches must sign the 2020 Wavier to be eligible play any player not signing this wavier and plays in a game will cause the team to forfeit that game see attachment sign and email to or fax to 5032064210

This is a program to be followed during phase 2 once Phase 3 is entered most of the normal baseball rules will be in place. We will also follow all Federal, State and County and City Regulations and safety programs that may be Mandated. OHA 2351E

 NWIBL Social Safety Plan (SSD): Phase 2 Practice Games and 2-3 League Games with majority of League games played in Phase 3 August and September (16 game season)

No fans allowed at Games in stadiums or Any Field used by NWIBL Teams
Team managers check health of players and their friends and family before games. Check for all symptoms of Covid-19 if active infection player to stay away from team for required time. Per OHA 2351E (6/3/2020) to Be Posted on the Web Site.

Social distances in dugouts and side lines with face masks, hand sanitizer each player with hand wipes, no sharing of equipment,  (Dugouts will be marked for spacing rest of team along fence with lawn chairs or city provided benches. Players should have there own helmets, game bag, water, (NO SEEDS, GUM, CHEW OR ANY SPITTING ALLOWED)

No exchange of lineup cards use game changer, home plate meetings using Social distance with Masks.
Each team uses there color coded Ball Supplied by NWIBL “Green or Blue Logo” baseball on defense. Defense team to enter Balls into play. Defense Team will also recover bated foul balls at home plate and out of bounds (outside park))

The umpire will be behind the pitcher. He will not touch baseballs again defense team enters them to pitcher. Umpire may Visually inspect ball.

If Pitcher goes hand to mouth automatic ball or balk must change ball. (Pitcher will put Ball in sealed container to be sanitized later))

Defense Team and the Batter Do not have to wear a face mask (face mask is optional when at bat and for all defense players).

Force outs at all bases instead of tags Just during Phase 2 This will reduce player contact

10 run rule after 5 innings or home team ahead after 4.5 innings no new inning after 2.5 hours. You will need to allow a minimum of 30 minutes between games

When activity and air temperatures cause body transfers of sweat use of sanitizer wipes (this is for your safety and all players PLEASE use wipes so you don’t touch face, eyes etc.).

Wipe down dugouts, fences after games if a team players after you

Mound meetings will be at a 6′ distance with the catcher and or coach and infielders avoiding the umpire Once games are over, player will leave the field. No shaking or high fives at home plate. A simple wave will suffice First base runner will not be allowed to lead off. He must stay on the base until the pitcher releases the ball. This will keep 6′ distance from the first baseman and the runner as he will not need to be held on first base   during phase 2
We ask the city to have signs posted reminding players of the 6′ distancing and to Mark Dugout Benches with 6 foot lines

Duane Wangenheim




 Mist the fall draft
Fall Wood Bat League
18 and Older Adult  Teams

Act Now! teams have spots open register now to be placed on a team

Player Registration form 2013

 18+ Teams
Father and Sons over 18 can play on  same Baseball Teams

Red Sox, Yankees, Dodgers, and Giants

Fall Games Played Friday Nights
(night games start at 6:30 PM with lights)

If you have a team and want Information call
Duane Wangenheim 503.208.2009

It's almost hear about baseball on the radio, you read about it in the newspaper, you see it on TV, now you can play it in a local Portland Stadium.  Come join us, you can play this fall for local Portland baseball teams.  Fall Season starts in September, play 10 games with elimination champion series.

If you are a current baseball player who wants to continue playing ball right up to the World Series
then get your glove and come on out
, NWIBL has a team waiting for you......

Adds 30+Fall Teams
Fathers with Sons over 18 can play on the same team

2010 Fall Season to Start
in September and run until end of October

10 Games with Playoff Series
Team and player fees will be based on number of teams and games played.

Per game cost will not exceed $20.00 per Player
the more teams the lower the player fee

Make your team payment online 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Print registration form

Oregon high school, college and pro sports news


Contact  Northwest Independent Baseball League Duane Wangenheim 503.208.2009

Copyright © 2008 Northwest Independent Baseball League, All rights reserved. 07/23/2020 01:45 PM